What is DfMA?
DFMA or (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) is formed by two important design approaches:
- Design for Manufacture, which has a purpose to make easier the manufacturing of parts of a product and minimize its operational complexity.
- Design for Assembly: Which aims to increase the efficiency of assembly of the product.
Similar to lean methods, applying DfMA promotes the identification, quantification and elimination of waste or inefficiency in product manufacture and assembly. it makes it possible to manufacture and assemble more efficiently, at a better quality, on time and at a lower cost.

DfMA refers to a set of guidelines aimed at ensuring that a product is designed to be simple to manufacture and assemble.
Component minimization Reducing the number of different components used \both individual items and standard sub-assemblies.
Component standardization: Standard parts are cheaper, more available and often more reliable than custom parts.
Configured design for ease of fabrication - Both sub-assemblies & component parts are simplified & unnecessary features are avoided.
Components are designed error proof so they can only be assembled in the correct way .
Design for ease of assembly design details can have multiple uses.
Tolerances in general any "over-specification" that is not a customer requirement will unnecessarily increase production costs by imposing more sophisticated equipment and more extensive quality control operations.
Design multifunctional parts where the same part can be used from multiple functions:
Define the right fastening in general, separate and complicated fasteners should be limited and simple automatic fasteners preferred
Advantages of DfMA
Cost Reduction – While DfMA & BIM implementation requires increased upfront costs, the overall costs of the project will be reduced due to reduced delays, and fewer site alterations. The manufacturing process is accelerated due to design standardisation, controlled environment and more rigorous quality checks.
Safety Accidents are greatly reduced since there is greater control in the factory process and site works are minimised.
Sustainability - DfMA optimises the design to reduce waste in man hours and material
Enhanced Quality due to a reduction of a number of components, assembly steps
Reduce Project Delays due to external factors such as weather, absenteeism, on site logistics are reduced
What are Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)?
Modern Methods of construction (or MMC for short) was created as a solution for the sharp increase in demand for residential buildings after world war II.
MMC describes alternative construction practices. Off-site, factory production of the component parts of properties is a common characteristic of MMC. This includes ready-made MEP systems, walls, floors, roofs and entire rooms, which can be transported to the construction site for quick and easy assembly.
It can create complete houses or residential units or speed up other construction works through factory work processes.
MMC cuts construction timeline by up to 50%, reduces waste to less than 5%, reduces labor cost and consistently improves quality.

What challenges are faced with Modern Methods of Construction
The current challenges the industry faces center around material availability and price increases. Labor shortages in numbers and in skills impact the industry growth.
At a project level, price variations and labor shortages lead to project delays, price increases and overall uncertainty.
The current trend of increased investments in MMC will alleviate most of the current problems and pave the way to achieving net zero. Channeling of workers into a more factory oriented construction industry is inevitable is we want to keep pace with the rising demand in housing and commercial structures
DfMA and MMC
Taking a DfMA approach from the conceptual phase of the project will reduce the time to market and the total costs of the entire project as of the early design stages of the product life cycle.
Spacemaker KSA has embraced MMC and DfMA since its inception and is looking forward to a future where factory fabricated building become commonplace.
A major component of Modern Construction Methods (MMC) is Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA).
Types of MMC and DfMA technologies
MMC and DfMA form together a gamut of technologies and methodologies: These methodologies are directed towards fabrication of off-site components that can be brought together to form assemblies of structural, architectural and MEP building elements.
Precast Concrete Systems: Concrete Components are cast in a factory before being assembled on site to speed up project delivery.

Wood Modules: These modules can be panels or volumetrics assemblies that are esthetically and structurally superior and stronger to the site built traditional construction.

Prefabricated Finished Volumetric Construction: 3D volumetric modules are 95% completed inside a factory with integrated MEP services, fittings and internal finishes, sometimes even with furniture pre-installed. These systems are made of wood or steel.

Prefabricated bathroom and Kitchen Units or PODs: standalone bathroom units are prefabricated and completed inside a factory with finishes, sanitary wares before being delivered to the construction site.

Prefabricated MEP systems: MEP components are integrated into a typically steel unit sub assembly then transported to site.

Spacemaker KSA is looking to be at the forefront of this construction revolution in the region and will continue to innovate to combine technology, BIM, software and robotics into MMC and DfMA in order to give customers cutting edge residence to enhance their everyday living.